Beer, Chocolate, Gold Bond, And Tears

A few weeks back when asked how life was at home my answer was this…

Easy, I’ve been crying or better yet, been seriously teary-eyed since the Ukraine war started a few weeks ago…and then it magically stopped.
Or more exactly, I decided that enough was enough, and crying was not helping any of it.

Well, yes, do cry when the emotions are too much…but also learn to take better control of it all.
So, I put the tears away…Or better said, been trying my best to do so, and as a result, well, turned to chocolate.

Now, don’t laugh!
What I’m talking about here, is that rich, super dark, almost sour chocolate. The ‘let’s cash in’ the savings and go broke for a good reason kind of chocolate.
Yeah, that kind. You know what I mean. And that’s been my ‘go to’ kick in the butt every day about an hour after lunch.

And it’s been heavenly!
My jeans may just disagree at one point, but you know what? I don’t care. It gives me the boost I need in the afternoon, and for now, it’s a few moments of pure joy when faced with a reality that is harder by the day to take in.

Now, as for the Gold Bond.
Ahh, Gold Bond. A sanity saver I tell ya! OK, you don’t what that is?
Let me explain.

This cream (they have different types, but all for the same purpose) takes care of the ‘itchies’.
The ‘came out of nowhere’, mysterious, nervous, skin rashes that you get…because well… And let’s say it like it is, you are internalizing all the shit that’s going out there, and your body is ‘reacting’ in some strange way…

I’d be a basket case if that cream was not available. Simple. (OK, I’m walking into that one I know, and I’ll leave it at that.)

As for the beer?
I’m a cheap date, what can I say. But that’s me. I quit hard liquor ages ago, and to be honest, I’m close to history by my second glass of wine…
So, what’s left? 4.6% beer… The light stuff here in Canada. Which fits me just fine, no problem.
Does it fix anything? Most probably not, but for now, that’s the way things are.

And let’s get something straight here I’m talking maybe two beers or so before a full supper…
I’m a lightweight…

So, that’s been living back at the bunker for the past month or so.
I’ve finally finished my website, SEO, Social Media updates, and more…And as one would say, all my ducks are now in a row…

And…as far as I’m concerned, nowhere to go…

Why? Because, that ‘go get it’ feeling is not there – well, not really there.
Not like it used to be. The happy, ‘let’s go get it thing’ is well, just about nonexistent of late…

So, how does one fix this? Because, yes, I firmly believe one can regain its positive side and mental strength…

Well, first, and that is in my case… Stop trying to be Super Woman. You never were. You never will be.
You are strong yes. Strong as you need to be and as you learn from the different realities that life brings you.

But you also are strong enough to learn and admit, that you now need to take it all in at a slower pace.
Because there’s a lot to take in right now and just flying through it all, will simply not work.

So here comes the …Do it One step at a time.
I know, I know. It’s like frig I have better things to do…
Yeah, we all do, but guess what? You want to crash and burn. Go for it.
Do you want to smile, prosper, and move forward?

Learn to slow down. Take it all in one thought at a time…Then… and only then…
Move forward.
That’s what I’ve pretty much been doing since the Pandemic hit us like a ton of bricks, and it’s working.

It’s working because one does not get rid of the Super Woman ‘thing’ like in a moment…One never does as a matter of fact. One just learns how to use it to its best results.
Anyway, you know what I mean.

So, what are the next steps?
Small ones…
Tiny powerful, well thought out small steps…

Where do we go from here?
We make our dreams a reality. We believe our dreams will become realities.
